Please click the appropriate application link below to access the application you're looking for. Once you’ve filled out the application, submit it in the application portal and one of our staff will get back to you.
Student Minister Internship
Take on the highest level of commitment in leadership, both leading small groups and overseeing ministries. They help plan and facilitate some of The Center’s biggest events and, beyond that, are more intimately involved in working with the staff to shape, watch out and pray for The Center in general.
Student Leadership Team
Oversee the various service ministries of The Center. They have the freedom to envision and plan their ministry’s goals and activities, as well as the responsibility to follow through on those and recruit help in doing so. The Center's ministries are listed below. If you are interested in applying to lead one of them, please talk to a staff member about availability before applying.
Building Crew
Help get the tasks done. The Building Crew helps clean and maintain The Center, set up and tear down at services on campus, clean up after events, and more. This is a great place to start in the world of Center Student Leadership.
Community Groups
Community Group Leader
Host a group of students either in their own home, on campus, or at The Center for weekly community and Bible Study. They are responsible for planning and deciding topics for community group meetings. Not only do they facilitate discussion and initiate activities, but they also care for their community group members in more intangible ways. Leading a community group requires creativity, concern, time, and effort. A Community Group Leader also participates in Discipleship to develop a practice of spiritual disciplines and learn about faithfully caring for community group members.
Host a group of students either in their own home, on campus, or at The Center for weekly community and Bible Study. They are responsible for planning and deciding topics for community group meetings. Not only do they facilitate discussion and initiate activities, but they also care for their community group members in more intangible ways. Leading a community group requires creativity, concern, time, and effort. A Community Group Leader also participates in Discipleship to develop a practice of spiritual disciplines and learn about faithfully caring for community group members.
Community Group Apprenticeship
Prerequisite for community group leading. Each apprentice shadows a pair of community group leaders to learn the workings of The Center's community group leadership. An apprentice also participates in Discipleship to develop a practice of spiritual disciplines and learn about faithfully caring for community group members.
Prerequisite for community group leading. Each apprentice shadows a pair of community group leaders to learn the workings of The Center's community group leadership. An apprentice also participates in Discipleship to develop a practice of spiritual disciplines and learn about faithfully caring for community group members.